'', 'alt' => '', 'size' => '', 'align' => '', 'class' => '', 'credit' => '', 'shadow' => '' ), $atts)); $current_uri = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . ''; if (empty($content) && $content !== 0) { $content = urlencode($current_uri); } else { $content = urlencode(strip_tags(trim($content))); } if (empty($alt) && $alt !==0) { $alt="Scan the QR Code"; } else { $alt = strip_tags(trim($alt)); } if (empty($size) && $size !==0) { $size = "120"; } else { $size = strip_tags(trim($size)); } if (empty($align) && $align !==0) { $align = ""; } else { $align = strip_tags(trim($align)); } if (empty($class) && $class !==0) { $class = ""; } else { $class = strip_tags(trim($class)); } if (empty($credit) && $credit !=='false' or $credit == 'true') { $credit_footer='
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